Jordyn & Sam's Intimate Family-Only Wedding: A COVID-19 Love Story
January 13, 2021
Here are some beautiful images of our Emmy London bride Jordyn in her Harriet Ivory bridal heels.
After having to scale back their original plans, Jordyn and Sam could not wait to marry one another and decided to have an intimate wedding brunch on the date of their original wedding. The beautiful brunch was filled with happiness and love and took place on November 29th, 2020 at River house at Odettes, US.
Beautiful photography by Philip Gabriel Photography
My now husband is the one who proposed! We made plans to go to my favourite place, Talulas Garden, in Philadelphia for brunch on a Sunday morning. We ubered to Washington square, which is where the restaurant is located, but he told the driver to drop us off on the wrong side of the park. I questioned it, especially because it was cold out, but he insisted so we started walking.As we approached the restaurant, he stoped walking and turned to me and started talking, and before I knew it, he was down on one knee asking me to marry him. Little to my knowledge, he had hired a photographer and everything to capture the special moment! Not only that, but he also arranged for our families to be there, mine driving in from right outside of philly and his parents flying in from Florida. They were all there to watch the proposal, and we took family photos together too. After the photos in the park, we all celebrated and had brunch together and after that we went back to my aunts house in Philadelphia where there was champagne, petit fours (my favourite) and balloons.
I said “yes” obviously! Hahah

What was your vision for your wedding?
The vision of the wedding changed a little bit. When we first got engaged, we had planned a large wedding to be held in city centre Philadelphia, but with COVID-19, we did not feel it safe to have a large wedding, and it happens to be that at certain points, it would not have been possible due to city restrictions. So after taking much time to think about it, and taking into account the advice we received from our wedding planner , Chrissy from Truly You Events, and our parents, we thought it best to delay the big wedding. With that being said, there was a lot going on that the two of us decided it was still important for us to get married around the time we had originally planned, and that is when we came across the idea to do a wedding for our families only. It was 14 of us total, and absolutely perfect. It was bright and cheerful, filled with happiness and love.

How was your experience with Emmy London?
It was absolutely flawless. When I ordered the shoes, I was so scared they weren’t going to make it in time for the event with all of the shut downs occurring in London, and even more so that they were not going to fit once I did get them! My husband contacted the company a couple of times to tell them the concerns I was having, and they did everything they could to reassure me everything was going to be okay! Not only was it okay, it was perfect. The shoes arrived well before the wedding, and were a perfect fit.

What were your most memorable and favourite moments of the day?
On a very sentimental level, the most memorable moment to me was when my mother and my mother in law placed my grandfathers Tallis over our shoulders to symbolise our life together. My grandfather passed a couple months prior to our wedding, and he was and will forever be one of my biggest role models and inspirations, so having something that belonged to him incorporated into our wedding so closely meant so much to me.

I really can’t pick a favourite moment because it was all wonderful. Since it was a brunch, it felt like it flew by! I did love getting ready fort the big day! Even with COVID, we found safe ways that I was able to get my hair and makeup done with my mom. I got to spend some quality time just the two of us, before I met my groom for our first look. But I really loved every moment, from all sitting down at the table, to taking family photos.
Is there any advice you would give to future couples, in the buying shoes process or in any aspect of the wedding experience?
In buying shoes, trust yourself! I saw the Harriet Ivory shoe, but was so hesitant to go forward with them. One, I wasn’t able to try them on, and two, they were coming from London! I kept my search going, but I found that every time I saw a shoe, I compared it to the Emmy London shoe, and at a certain point , my groom said “Jordyn, you can still get the right shoes! You love them, you compare everything to them, it’s time to get them”. So he went onto his laptop, and ordered them for me. I was so giddy with joy. When they arrived and I tried them on, and when they fit perfectly, I was speechless. I felt like nothing had gone this smoothly this year, and although it may seem small, the beautiful look and feel of the right shoe on your wedding day matters.

Another piece of advice would be to let the prices fall into place. There are so many obstacles that can come up, from a glitch in the planning to a national pandemic, and you have to be flexible and roll with the punches. When I started to realise this, the entire process became that much more enjoyable. And at the end of the day, it is YOUR WEDDING! It should be nothing short of enjoyable and everything you want.
Are you an Emmy London Bride?
We would love to see your images from your special day. Please tag us in your pictures on socials with @emmylondonofficial on Instagram and @emmyldn on Facebook.